Taking training from the classroom to the job!
Leveraging human performance is key to succeeding in safety-critical, high-risk environments. We take great pride in developing realistic, relevant and practical training for the professionals that participate in our workshops. We use subject matter experts from many different disciplines during the research, development and design of the training content. Our goal is ensure workshops are relevant, credible and applicable.
Our Facilitators/Instructors have professional and extensive backgrounds in providing human factors and safety management training. They are very skilled at capturing the attention of a room, driving thoughtful discussion, maximizing participation and creating a relaxed learning environment. It’s about you, not us.
Our workshops are designed so that each and every professional in the room can take the concepts out of the training environment and apply them on the front lines of their work environment.
Proud to be Working With
We’re proud to work with leading aviation and aeromedical organizations to help optimize the contributions of the individuals and teams when safety and effectiveness matters most.

Training Options with Flexibility
We offer courseware in the format that best meets your needs.

In Class Workshops
We come to you.
Our Facilitators deliver the workshop
in-person, on site.

Synchronous Online Delivery
We meet online.
Participants log-in and participate in real-time from anywhere in the world.

Licensed Courseware
We teach you.
You teach them.
We train your Instructors to facilitate course material designed for you.

Online Workshop Delivery (Blended)
Part A – Participants complete a pre-course computer-based training component.
Part B – Participants meet online in real-time for a facilitator-led component.

Crew Resource Management
Crew Resource Management (CRM) focuses on the effective use of all resources (crew members, aircraft systems, supporting facilities and persons) to allow an individual, whether operating alone or in multi-crew environment, to achieve the highest possible level of safety and efficiency.
This training is designed to elevate the abilities of individual team members to communicate and interact with their resources and each other in high-consequence environments by applying human factors knowledge and management skills.
More on CRM
This training is designed to elevate the abilities of individual team members to communicate and interact with their resources and each other in high-consequence environments by applying human factors knowledge and management skills.
Our Crew Resource Management (CRM) courses are developed utilizing the following topics as a framework for discussion:
- Threat and Error Management
- Resources available and their limitations
- Non-Technical skills (NOTECHS)
- Communication and Conflict Resolution
- Situation Awareness
- Decision Making and Problem Solving
- Workload Management
- Crew Performance (Teamwork)
- Measuring the effective application of these skills
- Developing error prevention and management strategies
Specific training content is tailored to reflect an organization’s unique operations, culture and specific needs.
The course is aligned to satisfy the requirements of Transport Canada Advisory Circular No. 700-042 and/or FAA Advisory Circular No. 120-51E.

Air Medical Resource
Management (AMRM)
Air Medical Resource Management (AMRM) is specially tailored for personnel involved in aeromedical operations and examines the vital relationship between all team members as they contribute to a safe and successful outcome of a medical evacuation or patient transfer.
This training looks not only at the job of the flight crew, maintenance engineer, dispatcher, paramedics and/or flight nurses, but also at the dynamics created as two complex industries (aviation and medicine) are brought together.
More on AMRM
Areas of discussion include:
- Threat and Error Management
- Resources available and their limitations
- Personal Skills such as communication, conflict resolution, situational awareness, decision making and problem solving, workload management, and crew performance (teamwork)
- Developing error prevention and management strategies
Successful AMRM training results in synergy – combined overall crew performance exceeds the sum of the individual performances. This training develops synergy at the operational and organizational levels by providing the tools to maximize the performance of the individual crewmember.
Specific training content is tailored to reflect an organization’s unique operations, culture and specific needs.
The course is aligned to satisfy the requirements of Transport Canada Advisory Circular No. 700-042, FAA Advisory Circular No. 120-51E and No. 00-64, as well as the requirements of the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS).
Pilot Decision Making
The objective of the Pilot Decision Making Course is to expose pilots to the many variables involved in the safe operation of an aircraft. We link these factors and demonstrate how they can contribute to unsafe operations as well as poor decision making.
This is a ‘pilot-centric’ course which some clients use as an ‘add-on’ complement to a CRM or AMRM course in order to satisfy the PDM training requirements associated with an Operations Specification/Special Authorization.
About this cource
The following topics are covered:
- The decision making process, including factors which affect good judgement and contribute to poor decisions
- Human performance factors, including physical, psychological and physiological factors and limitations
- Development of good practices and procedures in single and/or multi-crew environments
- Application of human error countermeasures to prevent and deal with threats and errors
- Application of tools and strategies to improve airmanship and flight management skills
On request, this course can be extended to include other topics and content specifically focused on flight crew performance.
This course satisfies the requirements for Pilot Decision Making training as required by Transport Canada (CARs 722.17; 723.28; 724.24).
Human Factors
Often the errors involved in our workplace have little to do with the technical aspects of our job. Instead many problems that occur in the workplace which lead to errors are rooted to the people and factors affecting them. Individuals are influenced by many variables that can contribute to or may result in mistakes or inefficiencies. This can therefore degrade the level of safety for the employees and organizations alike.
About this course
Human Factors are examined as they pertain to performance in the workplace. Topics Include:
- Communication
- Conflict Resolution
- Fatigue and Stress
- Physiological and Psychological limitations of the human mind
- Diet and Exercise
- Human Performance
A common sense approach is taken to provide tools to manage these factors as they are the real issues that exist in the workplace and in an employee’s life
Our primary focus is on how Human Factors affect our on-the-job performance. We then can develop and embrace strategies which will mitigate and aid in managing those effects.
Instructional Techniques Workshops
Instructional fundamentals and techniques are taught to enhance the presentation of your company’s courses. By focusing on the ‘HOW’ of presenting material we can enhance the delivery of the ‘WHAT’ for your courses. The course offers a very hands on approach to exploring what works and why.
Our instructors are experts in Adult Learning Methods. They all take the same applied skills approach that is built into the course material to promote the employment of lessons learned to the job.
Inter-Rater Reliability
This workshop concentrates on the instructors and evaluators themselves and the degree of agreement among these raters.
Discussion will focus on how much homogeneity or consensus there is in the ratings given by individual evaluators as well as the grey areas than can occur during this process. The goal of IRR training is to ensure that accurate assessments are given based on a standard as well as feedback to the evaluators themselves. There will also be instruction on how to monitor the quality of the assessments given.
More info
This course will illustrate for organizations and managers the importance of standardization among instructors and evaluators within a training department. This will also allow the employees themselves to operate more confidently and efficiently in the workplace after initial or recurrent training is completed.
Our Team
Our Team brings many combined years of experience and unique skills in the following areas of expertise:
- Remote and Northern Operations (including Medevac, Float and off Strip).
- Major Canadian Scheduled Airline Operations (including high density, and international operations).
- 30+ years of Course Development and Facilitation in Human Factors, CRM and Pilot Decision Making principals.
- Implementation and Training in Advanced Qualification Program and Inter-Rater Reliability.
- Training and Evaluating (including classroom, simulator and on-the-line)
- Project Development/Regulatory Affairs and internal Human Factors based audits.
Dedicated to Quality
Altitude Training Solutions (ATS) has been operating as an Applied Human Factors educator for over 20 years. Founded in 2000, ATS has grown from our original and still ongoing relationship with Canadian Helicopters, to a national Crew Resource Management (CRM) and Air Medical Resource Management
(AMRM) training provider with clients spanning across Canada and the United States. Our management group has since grown to include four partners supported by a dedicated team of facilitators, who supply in excess of 75 workshops annually.
Human Factors training, including CRM, AMRM and Threat and Error Management are increasingly available to all organizations, large and small across many different professions. At ATS, diversity is our strength. Our clients range from major Air Ambulance providers, small Air Taxi/Commuter operators to
Paramedic services, Hospitals and any other complex operation where human factors and human error may play a role in the organization.
Our 3D commitment to Design, Develop and Deliver are unique to our product; our workshops not only maintain a strong foundation of relevant Human Factors topics but they also tailor to specific organizational, departmental and operational needs.
Workshop Design elements are based on past and current CRM and Human Factors guidance and science, including regulations from governing bodies and consultation within industry. Our Development material coincides with trending techniques, recent industry safety data and applied science.
Many of our client relationships span the full 20+ years of our existence. This is a testament to our dedication of Delivery; to provide fresh, applicable content to front-line employees. Their specific needs, as well as the continued application of new and emerging material is a central priority for us. The content within our workshops is not only taught but is established and applied as part of an organization’s ongoing safety culture.
For more information, please contact